Watercolor & Ink

Articles related to the use of watercolor with ink, including ink pens or dip pens.

Watercolor Studies While Camping - Thumbnail of Bathhouse at Screaming Eagle Campground

Three Watercolor Studies Done While Camping

Greetings!  I hope this finds you enjoying your summer. One think I enjoy doing is watercolor studies while my husband and I are out camping somewhere.  And, that’s what I want to talk about today. From Classes To Traveling. To explain, after spending several months concentrating on my online class with the Art Students League […]

Three Watercolor Studies Done While Camping Read More »

Talent Railroad Depot

Talent: A Word Rattling Around My Brain! Plus, Its Where I Live.

Talent: a special aptitude, skill or gift someone seems to have; the t-word. Just Thinking. Greetings!  The word and concept of “talent” has been rolling around in my head for a week or two.  Its odd, I think, but recently I’ve read good blog posts by other artists on the subject of talent, skills, passion;

Talent: A Word Rattling Around My Brain! Plus, Its Where I Live. Read More »

The Artist At Linda Vista, Ashland OR

Paintings Showing At Linda Vista and Two Spring Daffodil Drawings

The daffodil: an early flower and symbol of hope; a nice way to end the month of March and start the month of April. Intentions. Greetings! I would like to share with you an announcement about my latest art show. Plus, I have a couple of daffodil drawings to show you. You see, I thought

Paintings Showing At Linda Vista and Two Spring Daffodil Drawings Read More »

Learning: Study, Espresso Cup and Timer

Its About Learning; Day 18 #30paintingsin30days Espresso Time-R Study

What I’m learning today:  how to paint with watercolors while standing at an easel.  Learning: Watercolor & Vertical Easel. Greetings!  And, may I say there is much to be learned while painting on paper held vertical by an easel.  My usual mode is more horizontal. What do you need to learn, you might ask.  How

Its About Learning; Day 18 #30paintingsin30days Espresso Time-R Study Read More »

Painting Challenge: Day One, Espresso No Milk

Day One, New Painting Challenge: #30paintingsin30days February 2018

Still Painting! The drawing and painting challenge is over.  What to do next?  Continue painting!  Going for 60 plus days! Changing Challenges. Greetings!  Yesterday marked the end of the Strada Easel 31 Drawings and Paintings From Life January challenge.  And, today is the start of the Saeta Studio’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge.  

Day One, New Painting Challenge: #30paintingsin30days February 2018 Read More »

Strada Easel Challenge: Rose Colored Glass

Day 26 & 25, Strada Easel Challenge; Rose Colored Glasses

About The Easel. Greetings!  Only five days left in the Strada Easel January Challenge!  This month seems to be flying by all of a sudden!   Life became busy and next thing I know, its Day 26! Recently, I was asked the question “what makes a Strada Easel so special?”   What an excellent question

Day 26 & 25, Strada Easel Challenge; Rose Colored Glasses Read More »

Experimenting With Daniel Smith Moonglow

Experimenting Day! Two Horse Studies: Day 18 #stradaeasel January Challenge

Experimenting With Paper and Paint. Greetings! Strada Easel challenge day 18 studies are about experimenting.  For my first piece, I decided to try Daniel Smith‘s “Moonglow”, a lovely blend of pigments that make a nice neutral grayish tint.  The experiment?  Getting a feel for how the blend of pigments handles. This first study was done

Experimenting Day! Two Horse Studies: Day 18 #stradaeasel January Challenge Read More »

Teabag and Lemon studies

Days 5 Through 7, #stradaeasel Challenge. Studies: One Teabag; Two Horses

Three Studies. Hi!  I thought I’d take a few moments and catch up on posting my daily studies for the #stradaeasel challenge.  I have been posting them to my Facebook personal page and business page.  But, not everyone has Facebook.  More to the point, I like to have my studies, paintings and drawings posted here.

Days 5 Through 7, #stradaeasel Challenge. Studies: One Teabag; Two Horses Read More »

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