But, still, a smiling clown can be good!
Clowns Popped In My Head.
Hi! Lately, I’ve been doing some small studies of clowns. Why clowns? I don’t know. They popped into my head this past May and I keep coming back to them.
Research Time.
So, after a few drawings, I thought it might be a good idea to research clowns. I started with a search for famous clowns. As you might expect, there were photos and mentions of some of the more recent famous comedic characters, both real and fictional. Circus clowns like Emmett Kelly, American Tramp “Weary Willie” and Red Skelton, Freddie the Freeloader.
Traditional Types.
Then, I started finding articles about traditional circus clowns. Did you know, that there were generally three types of circus clowns? They are the white face, Auguste (red face), character clowns. The character clowns may include the more recent hobo or tramp, like Weary Willie.
Boss Clown.
There is a funny hierarchy too. To over simplify, the white face clown is the top clown and serious (straight face) clown. Whereas the red face or Auguste clown is the one that gets the pie in the face. Naturally, the character clowns play characters.
Its About Meaning.
Now that I’ve shared with you my quick research on these circus characters, I’d like to relate my findings to drawings. You see, it makes it much more interesting creating my clown characters now that I know a little bit about them. And, its inspired me to create more!
Oddly enough, I drew a “white face” clown without knowing the significance. Still, I think he is appropriate for the occasion.
Clown With Daisies & Balloons.
In any case, I hope you enjoy my clown with daisies and balloons. Thank you!
PS. You could say that this watercolor and ink study is a type of “drawing from memory and imagination”. The emphasis is on imagination!
Twin Clowns.
Naturally, when you draw one clown, well, maybe you need to draw two! Plus, I’m a fraternal twin. Happiness!