Inktober: Heart Doodle

Inktober 2021

Hi! It’s Inktober!  That is to say, October starts the month of the Inktober challenge.

You see, I have wanted to participate in Inktober over the past several years, but what would I draw?  And, could I keep up with the challenge for an entire 31 day month?

Inktober 2021

Then, while doing something else, I happened to look at a piece of paper with ink doodles on it, and (duh!), yes I can!  I love drawing and doodling with a ball point pen, or a micron pen.  And, it doesn’t have to be pretty, fancy or whatever.

The point, then, is to draw with ink.

So, I’m thinking I will do ink drawings each day then post them here on Friday.  In other words, post once a week.

And, the other thing I think I will do is time the drawings.  I am working on doing faster drawings.  The point is practice and to learn which details one can let go and what I want to keep.  Also, I tend to get caught up in one drawing, putting everything into it.   Artist Gabriel Mark Lipper, whom I’ve taken some classes with, talks about five minute drawings to improve one’s skills.  And, Gabriel can draw so I’m listening!  And, that is what I’m thinking about doing with a little twist, I’m giving myself 10×2 minutes – max.  I’ll work in some five minute drawings too.

So, we will give it a go!  Happy Inktober 2021!  And, if you would like to know more, please check out the Jake Parker’s Inktober website!  Oh, and they do have prompts, but you don’t have to use them.

Getting Ready For Inktober: Sisters, done in ink

PS.  This one took more than 20 minutes.  It is a tracing of a drawing I did just for fun.

#inktober #drawingwithink

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