Color Study Red & Green

Color Studies in Green and Red

I would like to share with you more of my color studies in green and red.

Color Study Red & Green


My intention is to get in the habit of daily watercolor and ink studies.  I am inspired by the work habits of artist James Gurney.  If you read his blog, you realize this person is constantly drawing or painting.  I want this habit!


I’m also inspired by Leslie Saeta’s 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  I’m thinking about joining in.  It’s something I’ve wanted to do for some time.  Why?  I keep telling myself I want to increase production.  This is one way to produce – commit to a painting a day.

Oh, I have been doing these studies daily; I just thought I’d post them three at a time.

Color Study Red & Green

Ink & Watercolor

I am putting extra effort in working with ink and watercolor.  In August of 2016, I am to give a demo to an artist group using ink and watercolor.  I want to be comfortable with the media.

Color Combination

Oh, why red and green?  Traditional Christmas colors.  Also, they are opposite colors on the color wheel.  I think its helpful limiting color schemes.  And, I like to practice, practice, practice!  Yes, I’m continuing what I started with my previous post with my two choir girls.

Color Study Red & GreenMy Models

The “geta” are souvenirs from Japan that my oldest sister gave me several years ago.  The piggy is a Christmas ornament that another sister gave me a few years ago.  And the goose came in a container of farm animal toys.  This it the closest to a Christmas goose for us this year!

Practices and Habits

What practices or habits are you working on?

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