Robert Bateman Cover Series Notebook
I have been working with watercolor and ink lately. I find it enjoyable and I have a little project stirring in the back of my head: daily studies in watercolor and ink.
This week being Christmas week, I thought I’d do some red and green studies. This one if of a pair of Japanese wooden souvenirs. They were given to me by my sister many years ago. My sister was a foreign exchange student to Japan at the time. I have held on to them all these years.
I figure by the expressions on their face that they might be choir singers. Their neck ribbons are painted red and green. Maybe they’re supposed to be Christmas choir singers. 🙂
Inspired by a blog post by James Gurney, I reduced the study to essential two tones – light and dark. In the article, Mr. Gurney takes the study a step further, reducing everything to black or white. Its most effective and I think I’ll try the subject again!
Please enjoy!