Talent OR, Camelot Theatre

Talent OR and Remembering On September 11th


On this the 11th day of September, I am thinking about my family, friends and colleagues who live in Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley.  The Rogue Valley is our former home. To explain, eleven months ago my husband and I left the Rogue Valley and moved to the Washington coast.

Talent Public Library, Talent & Remembering 9/11

I point that out because the fires that have devastated Southern Oregon are personal to me.  We lived in Talent, OR and the Almeda fire ripped right through town.  And, continued burning neighboring towns.  Some friends and colleagues have had their homes destroyed.  It must be overwhelming.

And, my thoughts are with other friends, colleagues and people around the Northwest who have had their lives effected by these fires.  Yet again, some of these friends and colleagues have lost nearly everything.

Talent OR and Remembering 9/11

When events like this happen, I find myself wanting the world to stop and acknowledge the loss.  I wonder, for example, how are the people in Louisiana and Texas doing after the hurricane in August?  The news cycle has moved on, but their trauma and recovery is just beginning.

So, on this day when we, that is the American nation, remembers the disaster of  2001, my heart goes out to all who have lost so much.  And, my deepest thanks goes out to the firefighters, public safety workers, health workers, and volunteers who are out there helping and caring for people.

I would like to add some studies I did of a few of the places in Talent when I lived there.  

Camelot Theatre, Talent OR Talent OR and Remembering 9/11


2 thoughts on “Talent OR and Remembering On September 11th”

  1. Betty Stermer Mack

    To Margaret-Stermer Cox,
    Thank you for sharing your talents for painting your beautiful and interesting pieces. I am sorry that you must morn the losses you are feeling now.

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