The Meaning Question

Meaning Of My Artwork? "Four Corners, (detail)" Acrylic. M. Stermer-Cox

“What is the meaning of your art?” That was the question posed to me a couple of months ago during a conversation about my paintings. Not A Good Answer. My answer?  Well, I would say nothing illuminating or noteworthy.  Indeed, I was a bit perplexed because I did not have…

Three Watercolor Studies Done While Camping

Watercolor Studies While Camping - Thumbnail of Bathhouse at Screaming Eagle Campground

Greetings!  I hope this finds you enjoying your summer. One think I enjoy doing is watercolor studies while my husband and I are out camping somewhere.  And, that’s what I want to talk about today. From Classes To Traveling. To explain, after spending several months concentrating on my online class…

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