New Painting in “Just Sayin’…” Series: “Hang Up & Pet Me”

Just Sayin’… Finished New Painting

I have finished my fourth painting in my “Just Sayin’…” series.  The series is inspired by our cell phone culture.  In this particular version, a person is talking on the cell phone while her kitty waits patiently close by.  Naturally, the kitty wishes the person would hang up the phone and pet her.  I am amused and inspired by cats watching people talking on phones.  Its as if the cat wants to join in on the conversation, and often they do.

Sometimes I Do Not … Get Into Juried Art Shows*

Sometimes I Don’t…


I’m thinking about times when things don’t go my way.  For example, sometimes I don’t get into juried art shows.  I rarely talk about it because it feels like a rejection and calls for a private moment.  I find it easier to talk about the times I do get in.  Success makes me feel good; not succeeding makes me think about all sorts of things.

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