Musing, Cappuccino Time-R V2

Musing; Day 11 of #30paintingsin30days Challenge; Cappuccino Time-R V2

Musing: A period of reflection or thought.

A Day For Musing.


Its a lovely Sunday afternoon.  Its one of those days where the weather is unsettled, snow, then sun, then gray again.  I caught myself in a state of musing as I stared out the window.  I love the quiet of this time of year.  Muted colors and soft tones seem to facilitate meditation.  Or, is it day dreaming?  Could be both on my part.

Anyway, enough musing for the moment.

Musing, Cappuccino Time-R V2

Cappuccino Time-R V2.

Today’s painting is a watercolor version of the cappuccino cup and timer.  Yesterday I talked about using a limited color palette or a full color palette.  I don’t know if you can tell, but I used several different pigments to build the somewhat muted colors of this painting.  There are reds, yellows, a couple of oranges and a couple of blues.  Still, the main colors are burnt orange and blue.  It was fun working on.

One thing nice about working with watercolor is that its convenient.  What I mean is that if you have your workspace set up, you can do a layer of paint in five minutes or so.   If you have more time, so much the better.

I particularly like painting from life.  When my husband and I travel,  I get to draw and paint all sorts of interesting places.

Artwork Hanging Day.

Tomorrow is a busy day; I’ll be hanging my paintings at the Ashland Parks And Recreation’s Grove Building.  My husband and I will be loading up the remainder of the paintings soon.  We just had a discussion about how we will hang them.  It takes some thought to display paintings in a professional manner.  Fortunately, my husband is good at hanging paintings.

Its always gratifying to have the paintings out and on display for people to see.  However, I get a little bit apprehensive prior to hanging.   In part, we have done it so many times, one could get complacent about hanging art.  Not such a good idea; I need to put my best foot forward.

I do have checklists and have run through them to make sure all is good to go.  Still, it will be nice when its done.

So, I gather what I’m saying is that my mind is pre-occupied with art show hanging day.  AND, with continuing to produce paintings as part of my daily routine.  After all, for me, that’s what this challenge is all about!

Thank you!

Until tomorrow, when I find something new to muse about, warm regards!

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