Its cheerful; its colorful; and its Stermer-Cox artwork at the Grove Building, Ashland Parks and Recreation.
Art Show.

Greetings! I am pleased to announce that my husband Robert and I hung fourteen of my paintings yesterday at the above mentioned Grove Building, 1195 East Main St., Ashland OR. You may see the artwork during business hours which are 8:30am to 5pm, Mondays through Fridays. The display will be up for three months.
Artwork For Collecting.
Each painting is for sale, thank you! That is to say, collectors may make purchases through Art2Business. To explain, Art2Business is a service that links up artists with local businesses for the purpose of showing art. If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me. Or, for purchases you may contact Art2Business directly.
Its fun to be able to show your paintings to the public in different people in different places.
Hanging Day: Worth Doing Right!
I must say, hanging the show was some work. Usually, hanging day goes pretty quickly. Inspire of preparations, for whatever reason it went slowly yesterday!
However, its important to put up a display so it looks right! And, I’m pleased with the results.
I do hope you’ll stop and look at the paintings if you’re in the area.

Catch Up Day For #30paintingsin30days.
So, I am a bit behind in posting my work for #30paintingsin30days and need to catch up.
For day 12 (yesterday), I present Cappuccino Time-R V3. And, for day 13, we have Cappuccino V6.
You may have noticed the recent theme. I have in my mind that I would like to do some larger pieces with the theme of coffee cups and timers. These are my exploratory studies. Put another way, these are my “testing and developing” ideas studies.
That is one things sort of strange about the #30paintingsin30days challenge. I post studies that I might not normally show. Like many artists, we do drawings and studies all in preparation for a bigger idea. They are necessary and just part of the bigger process of creating artwork!

So, life does get busy…but it’s wonderful! Thank you!