Tea Party: Day 8 & 9 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Two paintings with tea cups, that makes a tea party doesn’t it?

The Tea Cup’s Story

I collected my tea cup when I was living in Germany. Its made in there and its dishwasher safe, a bonus! Its kind of an odd choice of souvenir because I’m not a big tea drinker. But, I liked the cup and saucer. I’ve had it for about 20 years now; its family.

Espresso & Tea, Watercolor by Margaret Stermer-Cox

The Espresso Story

I like espresso…a lot! I like a roast that’s rich, strong and leaves a citrus-like after taste. I start my day with two shots of espresso, neat. This cup is one that we picked up at a Pier 1 import store. Its sturdy and does the trick.

The Hot Sauce Story

I’m sure you can figure out the particular brand of hot sauce. I remember my oldest sister coming home from grade school one day and telling us she won the hot sauce drinking contest with her class mates. Can you imagine? I was in awe.

I have used copious amounts of hot sauce on various food items over the years.  Though, in spite of what my husband says, I’ve not had it on ice cream.

Here’s a bit of trivia you might not know. Hot sauce will freeze and the bottle will shatter somewhere between minus 24 degrees and minus 50 degrees. This happened to me in Alaska, to my dismay.

Tomorrow, more tea?

Day 8 Hot Tea M StermerCox






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