Watercolor Sketch, Kitchen,

Home Before The Adventure

Every good trip starts at home.  

We’re getting ready for our big Adventure 2014.   Things are packed, more or less.  The camper’s ready.  We’re winding down to the last minute things.

Arrangements have been made.  We’re beginning to chomp at the proverbial bit.

Watercolor Sketch, Kitchen, home

So, this is a short post.   Next time, we’ll be on the road or in a national park.  I’m including sketches from home, our starting point.

The excitement begins.  Pre-big adventure 2014, Watercolor Sketch, home

I hope you will follow us on our big adventure.  Please see our website, “The Gallivanter’s Happy All Terrain Camper’s Adventure 2014!”

And, I hope you have a grand summer.



3 thoughts on “Home Before The Adventure”

    1. Hi Pam! Thank you. If we get near Knoxville, I’ll look you up. Its been so long since we’ve been back east across the Mississippi! We are looking forward to it. I hope you have a grand summer.

  1. The sketches are wonderful. You can even make a dishwasher into an appealing piece of art. We are off to Vermont tomorrow for a granddaughter’s high school graduation. Have a great trip and I will be following along.

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