Hi! By the time the decade hit the middle years, cell phones and smart phones where everywhere. And, today’s paintings for my mini review are all about cell phone conversations.
Cell Phone Conversations And The Cat.
Starting off with “Hang Up And Pet Me” from 2014, we have a woman sitting on a couch in the middle of a phone conversation. Sitting next to her is the cat. Naturally, the cat thinks this talking out loud into a little box is kind of weird. Nuts even. Better yet, the person needs to be petting the cat. Yes indeed.
Inspiration Hits!
This particular painting was inspired by a phone conversation I had with one of my sisters. You see, while she was talking on the phone, I could hear her cat in the background. And, as you might expect, the cat was being vocal and participating in the conversation. It was one of those “aha!” moments; I had a spark of inspiration.
More Conversations
Speaking of inspiration, in the summer of 2014, my husband Robert and I took a trip across the country. Imagine driving from west coast to east coast and back again. It was fun.
While in Georgia, we stopped to visit a niece for a couple of days. She showed us a good time, including introducing us to some excellent cafes and coffee shops.
A Group Of Four & Their Cell Phones.
At one such coffee shop, we watched as two young couples walked in and sat down. Almost instantly, and in unison, they all whipped out their smart phones and started using them! We watched in amusement. And, we wondered, were they texting each other as they sat at the table? And, come to think of it, there were potentially eight people at the table. That is to say, the four who were seated in front of us and the four on the other end of the phone.
Another Flash of Inspiration.
Once again, I had an “aha” moment and was inspired! I had the makings of a new series of paintings involving coffee shops and cell phone conversations. As it turned out, this moment gave me plenty of ideas and I would work on this series for the next 18 months. Happily, 2015’s “Old School, New School” was one of the paintings in the series.
Cell Phone Conversations Everywhere!
As I was writing this article, it occurred to me that there has been a change since 2014 and 2015. Back then, it seemed that it was mainly the younger people who were constantly using their cell phones. Now, it’s all ages. Ahem; that includes me and people my age! We are just as likely to whip out the smart phone as any young person in the coffee shop.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the paintings about cell phone conversations. And, the short trip back to 2014 and 2015.
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