Continuity, as in an ongoing flow of work. Its all part of a bigger picture!
Day 30! Closing or Opening?
Greetings! With today’s painting I arrive at the end of the #30paintingsin30days challenge hosted by Leslie Saeta Studios. And, yet, it feels more like an opening rather than a closing of my work.

Open To New Possibilities.
You see, I figure that all this daily painting has shown me possibilities I had not yet discovered. Put another way, the studies are an extension of potential larger projects.
Continuity, Rather Than Starting & Stopping.
Plus, an ending implies that there needs to be a beginning. But, beginning and starting can be the hardest part of painting. So, how about continuity instead?
Change Direction.
However, a shift in direction might be in order. After 60 plus days of posting a drawing or a painting a day, I am thinking I may take a break. To explain, these studies are just that: studies. And, then, the next step in the process is using the studies to generate some larger paintings.
So, I might take a break from daily paintings. But, I will not take a break from drawing and painting in general, I ought to clarify! More on what is next below.
What I find particularly exciting is the experimentation toward the end. In my view, that is one of the benefits of an intense period of daily paintings. To elaborate, as one’s confidence grows, I think its natural to try different things. Or, to focus on more than just getting one painting done per day.

Accomplish Challenge Goals?
So, how did I do as far as my goals for this challenge? I finished it, that’s success in my book! It was never a foregone conclusion that I would reach the finish point. There were days when I thought about moving on; but I didn’t and so here I am.
Back to my goals. I reviewed my day one posting I realized that I gave myself some “outs”. That is to say I was a bit vague about goals beyond finishing.
The Plan. However, I had ideas about how I might proceed by mixing “from life” and “toward abstraction” type paintings. More specifically, I was thinking I’d do one “from life” then follow up with five or so “toward abstraction” based on the first “from life” painting.
Be Flexible. Well, that “from life” to “toward abstraction” idea was almost as cumbersome as describing it. In the end, I mixed things up. Some days I worked from a still life arrangement. Other days I worked toward abstraction. However, the themes were generally consistent.
Change is Good. One always allows for exceptions, though. And, perhaps it was the fact that my plan allowed for change that I was able to complete the challenge. To explain, it was struggle enough to finish the challenge. Who cares if I did a “from life” instead of a “from imagination”?
Challenges, Worthwhile?
Hmmm. Was it worth it? I would say yes. And, I would say that working back-to-back challenges was extra worth it! Thank you hosts Strada Easel (January) and Leslie Saeta Studios (February).
New Experience.
Daily Painting; Its different. You see, daily painting was a new experience for me and I certainly produced more work! I had to be decisive and finish paintings. Its a “get down to business” situation. An added benefit, I’m starting to feel more comfortable with acrylic paint.
Next Year. I suppose the final question might be, will I do it again next year? The answer: I have no idea! Oh, and that’s also assume the challenges continue.
What’s Next?
I will build on the experience gained by finishing some acrylic paintings I have waiting in the wings. I also have a new design that I want to transfer to a new painting.
A third project is developing a mini workshop on starting from life then simplifying, deconstructing and abstracting. Or from life to abstraction. Does this sound familiar? That’s what I’ve been doing the past 30 days!
It Is About Continuing!
So, do you see how I get the idea of continuity? The work and studies from the past 30 to 60 days are all in part of a longer term plan!

Thank you!
With that, thank you for sharing in my adventure this past 30 to 60 days. I am grateful for the interest and support.
Congratulations on a super collection here! happy continued learning to you 🙂
Hi Sheila, So thoughtful of you for stopping by! Thank you! I am having trouble going to your site, though I’m not sure why I’m having problems. In any case, I love the colors and joyful designs your create. Congratulations to you too and best wishes for your continued learning! 🙂