Mermaid As Icon
I am pleased to say that my painting “Mermaid With Net at Night” is showing at the Rogue Gallery and Art Center in Medford, OR. To clarify, it is one painting among over 60 works of art in the Annual Member’s Exhibition.
Most of all, if you are in the area, I invite you to please attend the artist’s reception on Friday, November 18th from 5 to 8 pm.
Should you miss the opening reception, you may see the exhibition through December 21st. Plus, you can see the exhibition multiple times if you wish! If you might like more information about the exhibition, including location and hours, please see the Rogue Gallery and Art Center’s Website.
To explain, every year the Rogue Gallery has a Member’s Exhibition from mid November through mid December. For fun, creativity, and consistency, the show has an assigned theme. So, the theme for this year’s member exhibition is “Icons”.
I’d like to share with you the show statement by the Rogue Gallery is as follows:
” Icons as signs, symbols or personalities can signify the eternal, a particular time, or the ephemeral. In the 2016 Annual Members’ Exhibition, over sixty artists present their icons using a variety of media and styles”.
I like that the gallery encourages a broad interpretation of “icons”. I can hardly wait to see how other artists interpreted this particular theme.
Icons, Symbols or?
I had a difficult time with this particularly theme. In my mind, I kept seeing Byzantine era icons. So I tried to brain storm for new ideas. Then, I had the problem of deciphering what is a symbol or icon. Or, how about the word “iconic”? Iconic women of myth? Or modern day female icons? Or, really are they symbols or metaphors?
As you might imagine, I can twist my brain in knots for a long time over the entire “icon” theme. Do you suppose that is why the gallery gave artists a year to think about the theme? So, yes I’m still thinking!
Icon or symbol, regardless, I am happy to have my mermaid share gallery space with so many other fine works of art.
Artist Statement
My own artist statement about this particular “Mermaid with Net At Night” is as follows:
“What can be more romantic than a mermaid alone at night? I imagined that a mermaid in today’s seas would find lots of debris, some being quite useful. In this case, she is examining a net. Is she using it for herself, or is she caught in the net? I expect that the story might go either way.
I like to think that my mermaid is protecting her fellow creatures of the sea.”
Now for a little bit of technical data, I painted my mermaid with watercolor and the image size is 10×7. I have enclosed it in a white mat and black frame.
If you would like to collect my mermaid, you may purchase the painting through the gallery for the next month.
And, naturally, you may always contact me if you’d like more information!
In the meantime, please enjoy my painting and thank you for your time!